Descriptive Reflection

Dear Professor Blackstone,

My name is Bryan Peh, one of the students in your S20 Critical Thinking and Communicating module. I am writing to provide a detailed reflection on my educational background and my growing passion for engineering. In addition, I will discuss one communication strength and one weakness that I possess, as well as providing two specific goals I have for this module.

My interest in engineering sparked at a very young age. What started as a fascination with remote-controlled cars, eventually led me to watch 'Top Gear', a television series that focuses on optimising the performance of automobiles. Learning more about how engines work in cars, I developed a deeper appreciation for the field. Therefore, I decided to pursue a diploma Mechanical Engineering at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, where I graduated in 2022.

Being an engineering student, I recognise that my communication skills are not as strong as my technical skills. In spite of that, I believe that one of my communication strengths is my ability to empathise. One example of this is that when I worked in a footwear store, I often had to recommend the correct shoe based on my customers' needs. Having this skill allowed me to build better relationships with them in that short period of time, which sometimes ultimately became the reason why they purchased the shoes. Therefore, despite the challenges that come with communication, my ability to empathise allows me to engage effectively and build better relationships with others. 

Speaking of the challenges in communication, one of my weaknesses is public speaking. The fear of judgment sometimes overtakes me, causing my mind to go blank. Additionally, past experiences have also played a role in this issue. For example, in primary school, my class was required to do a show-and-tell, and I forgot to bring the item that I intended to present. I improvised with my pencil case, but without preparation, I struggled to deliver a proper presentation. This experience added to my fear of public speaking, even though I tried to push myself out of my comfort zone in national service.

The first goal I have for this module is to increase my confidence in public speaking. To achieve this, I plan to focus on improving my English language skills, so I can deliver my message in a clear and concise manner. Secondly, I aim to improve on my critical and structured thinking abilities by focusing on organising my thoughts and structuring my approach to tackle complex issues more effectively.

I believe that always pushing myself to do the best of my ability is what differentiates me from others. The constant drive for perfection not only set a proper standard for myself, but it will also provide help in my personal growth. 

I hope this letter has provided you a good understanding of about my background and I look forward to further developing my skills under your guidance and attending to more of your classes in the future.

Best Regards,


  1. Edited:
    Hi Bryan,

    I was glad to read your letter. I found it interesting to learn about the reasons behind your decision to study engineering in polytechnic and university. Your ability to show empathy is impressive and clearly helped you close some sales of the shoes.

    I can relate to your weakness in public speaking as I also struggled with it.

    There is no major issues with grammatical errors and sentence structures. However, while I was reading your letter, I found a few sentences that were odd to me. The sentences are "Learning more about how engines work in cars, I developed a deeper appreciation for the field." and "Speaking of the challenges in communication, one of my weaknesses is public speaking."

    Nevertheless, good job on writing the letter and I enjoyed reading it. See you around in campus!

  2. Hi Bryan,

    Reading through your letter, I found out we have a few similar interests and experiences. I too watched Top Gear when I was younger at my grandparent’s house. I always loved the specials, the challenges and the random shenanigans that the trio of Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond. I wonder if you have followed them onto their Amazon show, The Grand Tour, which has unfortunately released the last episode with the trio as hosts recently. I too also had a show and tell presentation back in primary school to the entire cohort. That day I was supposed to do the show and tell based on a separate item that I had forgotten to bring that day. I had to improvise on the spot with my Doraemon wallet which somehow clinched me first place. My advice for public speaking would be to fake the confidence you lack, to fake it till you make it per se.

    Through your letter, I have a better understanding of your background in engineering and I look forward to helping you develop your communication skills throughout this module.

  3. Hi Bryan,

    After reading your letter, I noticed that we have quite a lot in common! Like you, I developed an interest in engineering at a young age.I can definitely relate to your struggle with public speaking as well. It's something that I’ve had to work on over the years. The fear of standing in front of a crowd and trying to communicate clearly can be really daunting. I’ve had my fair share of blanking out during presentations, and I know how frustrating that can be. But I’ve learned that every opportunity to speak is a step toward building confidence. Like you, I’m still on that journey to becoming a more effective and confident speaker.

    I look forward to working together in this module as we both strive to overcome our public speaking challenges and improve our communication skills. It’s reassuring to know that we’re not alone in this, and I’m sure we’ll be able to support each other as we grow.

  4. 'Dear Bryan,

    Thanks much for this well expressed and highly informative letter. You provide a detailed explanation in all areas, elaborating in a manner that captures your reader's interest. I'm particularly impressed by both how you describe your initial interest in engineering being connected to your fascination wth cars and then also how you connect your empthy developing while you were working in a shoe store. That's facsinating, though I can imagine the work wasn't always easy.

    If there is anything to work on in a 2nd draft it might be the overuse of capital letters in the first couple paragraphs. There is also a minor comma splice issue here:
    For example, when I talk to people who are not fluent in English, I would use simple words and gestures to facilitate their understanding.

    Again, I truly appreciate the effort put into this fine introduction.

    I look forward to reading more from you this term.




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